Jon Schubert, Urban Researcher

Schubert Jon (Researcher)




Urban Studies

Regional Expertise

Angola, Mozambique, Africa


ORCID: 0000-0003-1100-8086 0000-0003-1100-8086

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Recent Publications by Sven Daniel Wolf

book-review:Violent Conversion: Brazilian Pentecostalism and Urban Women in Mozambique. Linda van de Kamp. Rochester, NY: James Currey, 2016. 248 pp.

American Ethnologist

book-review:Review: David Birmingham (2015), A Short History of Modern Angola

Africa Spectrum

online-resource:“Unknown evil-doers perturbing the peace”: Mass fainting and the reproduction of hegemony in Luanda, Angola #AnthroState

book-review:Review: Ricardo Soares de Oliveira, Magnificent and beggar land: Angola since the civil war (2015)

Africa Spectrum

journal-article:Sure Road? Nationalisms in Angola, Guinea-Bissau and Mozambique edited by E. Morier-Genoud Leiden: Brill, 2012. Pp. xxv + 270. £61·31 (pbk)

J. Mod. Afr. Stud.DOI: 10.1017/s0022278x13000517

book-review:Review: Marcus Power and Ana Cristina Alves (eds.) (2012), China and Angola: A Marriage of Convenience?

Africa Spectrum

journal-article:«Democratização» e consolidação do poder político em Angola no pós-guerra

Relações Internacionais (R: I)

book-review:Verdades incómodas da África emergente

Relações Internacionais (R: I)

working-paper:Political ecology in development research

An Introductory Overview and Annotated Bibliography