Sunčana Laketa, Urban Researcher

Laketa Sunčana (Researcher)




Regional Expertise

Balkans, Western Europe, Switzerland


ORCID: 0000-0001-9689-6953 0000-0001-9689-6953


suncan (*)

Recent Publications by Sven Daniel Wolf

journal-article:(Counter)Terrorism and the Intimate

Conflict and Society


Conflict and Society

journal-article:For decolonial Balkans: A feminist reading

Dialogues in Human Geography

journal-article:“Even if it didn't happen, it's true”: The fantasy of geopolitics in the “post-truth” era

Emotion, Space and Society

journal-article:Geopolitical lives of children – commentary to Habashi

Fennia - International Journal of Geography

journal-article:The ‘magic of the mall’ revisited

Progress in Human Geography

journal-article:Between “this” side and “that” side: On performativity, youth identities and “sticky” spaces

Environment and Planning D: Society and Space

journal-article:Enacting the contested past: conflict narratives in educational spaces

Geographica Helvetica

journal-article:Geopolitics of Affect and Emotions in a Post-Conflict City


other:Youth as Geopolitical Subjects: The Case of Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Politics, Citizenship and RightsDOI: 10.1007/978-981-4585-57-6_6

other:Youth as Geopolitical Subjects: The Case of Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Politics, Citizenship and RightsDOI: 10.1007/978-981-4585-94-1_6-1

journal-article:Streets of Memory: Landscape, Tolerance and National Identity in Istanbul

Social & Cultural Geography

journal-article:Mrinalini Greedharry. Postcolonial Theory and Psychoanalysis: From Uneasy Engagements to Effective Critique. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2008. 232 pp. $80.00 (cloth). ISBN-13: 978-0230521636

Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences