other:When a "practical" approach to addressing a campus imposes an increasingly masculine toponymic environment (94%). The case of Grenoble Alpes University in Saint-Martin-d'Hères, France
HAL: halshs-04121656
Unesco Chair in Inclusive Toponymy \"Naming the World\"
Western Europa , Africa
city branding, extended urbanisation, geopolitics, geopolitics of knowledge, informality, place-making, urban globalization, urban identity
HAL: halshs-04121656
ISTEISBN: 9781789481150
Place Naming, Identities and Geography
HAL: hal-04039958
L'Espace PolitiqueHAL: hal-03619032
The Politics of Place Naming: Naming the World
Urban ScienceDOI: 10.3390/urbansci4010006
HAL: halshs-02430880
HAL: hal-01222062
Revue de Geographie Alpine
Revue de Geographie Alpine
Espace Geographique
Espace Geographique
HAL: hal-00731430
Geographica Helvetica
HAL: halshs-01253933
Revue de Geographie Alpine
HAL: halshs-00484173
HAL: halshs-00378340
HAL: halshs-01200811
Espace GéographiqueHAL: hal-00275604
L'Espace Politique
HAL: halshs-00378400
HAL: hal-00162022
HAL: halshs-00378443
HAL: halshs-00277498
Annales. Histoire, Sciences socialesHAL: hal-00185655
HAL: hal-00323048
Outre-terre. Revue européenne de géopolitiqueHAL: halshs-00280734
Espace GéographiqueHAL: halshs-00280735