Tea Lobo, Urban Researcher

Lobo Tea (Researcher)




Chair for Practical Philosophy

Regional Expertise


ORCID: 0000-0002-5975-4638 0000-0002-5975-4638


tea.lo (*) .ethz.ch

Recent Publications by Sven Daniel Wolf

lecture-speech:Die Ethik und Ästhetik des Zeigens

conference-paper:Planetary Urbanization and Philosophy of the City

Planetary Urbanisation

conference-paper:Urban Park Design between Wilderness Representations and Everyday Affordances

City: Everydayness, Identity and Aesthetics

conference-paper:The Role of Aesthetics in Showing Ethics

Saying and Showing: Wittgenstein’s Tractatus in the Light of New Interpretations

conference-paper:The City as Ecosystem / The City as a Political Oeuvre

conference-paper:Conceptual Investigations of Urban Wilderness

The City and the Wild

conference-paper:Parks Afford Stories

Infrastructural Imaginaries and Aesthetics

lecture-speech:The City in Philosophy and Philosophy in the City

Royal Institute of Philosophy (Oxford branch)

artistic-performance:Sensing Biotopes

conference-paper:Mediating Wilderness

Philosophy of Human-Technology Relations

conference-paper:Ain't Nothin' Good in the Hood

conference-paper:Transcultural Perspectives on the City and the Wild

24hrs of Philosophy of the City

conference-paper:The Garden as Paradise, as a Picture or as Commons

Public Space: The Real and the Ideal

conference-paper:Kin/Aisthesis and Urban Affordances

Summer Colloquium of the Philosophy of the City Research Group

conference-paper:Neon Inferno

International Walter Benjamin Conference

conference-paper:Embodiment and Theatricality in Urban Spaces



Yami-ichi Internet Festival

conference-paper:Staging, Mediating and Narrating the Relation between the Polis and the Psyche

From the Aesthetic Mind to the Symbolic Mind: Perceptual Dynamics, Mimetic Practices, Human Theatricality

journal-article:The Brothers Karamazov as a Philosophical Proof

Colloquium Helveticum – Swiss Review of General and Comparative Literature