Interactive map: researchers in cities
Researchers at LSA Results: 2/2
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Directory Results
Herburger, Johannes
HJLiechtensteinLSA Urbanism, Architecture and Society
#densification #extended urbanisation #housing markets #housing policy #urban geography #urban governance #urban planning
Austria, Liechtenstein, Alpenrheintal
Howe, Lindsay Blair
HLBLiechtenstein, ZurichLSA Urbanism, Architecture and Society Urbanism Architecture & Society
#extended urbanisation #feminist #housing markets #housing policy #informality #infrastructure #migration #mobility #postcolonial theory #precarity #southern urbanism #spatial inequality #transport #urban geography #urban governance #urban peripheries
South Africa, Johannesburg, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Ethiopia, Zurich, Switzerland, Austria, Liechtenstein, Alpine Rhine Valley
- Results: 2 out of 2 researcher(s) found.
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- affect
- anthropology
- architecture
- art
- carework
- city branding
- coloniality
- commons
- community
- construction
- cooperatives
- crime
- cultural theory
- data politics
- decolonizing academia
- densification
- digital
- digital urbanism
- displacement
- environmental justice
- events
- everyday life
- extended urbanisation
- feminist
- financialization
- gentrification
- geopolitics
- geopolitics of knowledge
- global east
- health
- housing markets
- housing policy
- housing precarity
- housing sociology
- informality
- infrastructure
- landscape design
- mega-events
- megacities
- megaprojects
- migration
- mobility
- participation
- place-making
- political ecology
- political theory
- post-communist
- postcolonial theory
- poverty
- precarity
- property
- public space
- racism
- scholar activism
- segregation
- smart city
- social theory
- sociology
- southern urbanism
- spatial inequality
- squats
- suburbanization
- sustainablity
- temporary housing
- tourism
- transport
- transportation
- urban belonging
- urban citizenship
- urban conflict
- urban democracy
- urban demography
- urban drug policies
- urban exclusion
- urban geography
- urban globalization
- urban governance
- urban health
- urban history
- urban identity
- urban models
- urban peripheries
- urban planning
- urban resilience
- urban social policies
- urban violence
- vacancy